April Gornik
Tropical Drift, 2019

Sebastian Blanck
Sun Hat Blue Reflection, 2022

JULY 27 - SEPTEMBER 14, 2024


The title of our show—Couples Squared—references an algebraic equation most teenagers learn in high school. But a bit of Medieval alchemical magic is involved in the artworks these men and women create. From raw ideas, thoughts, notations, scribbles, and such, they execute compelling, exhilarating paintings, sculpture, and photographs. They challenge our thoughts and tug at our heartstrings. Once seen, we often become better people. If we’re lucky, our lives might change.

 In the not so distant past, i.e. during the nineteen forties and fifties when the New York School was emergent, painters like Robert Motherwell and Helen Frankenthaler or James Brooks and Charlotte Park were card-carrying abstractionists. These days, subjects and themes are more varied. 

 On the walls of our exhibition, you’ll find nonrepresentational works hanging alongside portraits, figures, landscapes and seascapes. They have been executed in vivid colors, lively patterns, assertive brushstrokes, subdued passages, and other sorts of ways. Unlike fathers and mothers seen in tandem with sons and daughters, you can’t predict what these mates might do. Variations abound. There’s no accounting for the mysteries of life.

Derrick Adams • Carl Andre • John Alexander • Sebastian Blanck • Ross Bleckner • Michaerl Chuapoco • Paula DeLuccia • Roy Dowell • Austin Eddy • Eric Fischl • Hermine Ford • Eric Freeman • John Giorno • April Gornik • Todd Gray • Isca Greenfield-Sanders • Nancy Holt • Shara Hughes • Bryan Hunt • Melissa Kretschmer • Matvey Levenstein • Rima Mardoyan • Eddie Martinez • Robert Moskowitz • Sam Moyer • Bruce Nauman • Lari Pittman • Larry Poons • Ugo Rondinone • Susan Rothenberg • Kyungmi Shin • Robert Smithson • Ned Smyth • Fiona Waterstreet • Lucy Winton • Lisa Yuskavage


Roy Dowell
Untitled #1188, 2021

July 27

Opening Reception

Come raise a glass with Southampton Arts Center as we commemorate the launch of our latest exhibition, Couples Squared.

Lary Poons
Dante, 2023