Let’s Be Friends!
Join or renew your membership with the Southampton Arts Center today to support our mission of bringing engaging and diverse arts programming to our community. Enjoy exclusive benefits such as member-only events, discounts on workshops and classes, and special access to exhibitions by becoming a member today.
Friends’ Circle Membership
We invite you into the SAC Friends' Circle, a happy place where you will enjoy free admission to gallery exhibits, invitations to engaging programs and private social events throughout the year. All Friends will receive many exclusive benefits and, with each successive category, greater engagement with the SAC, its curators, partners and artists.
It’s friends like you that have made SAC so successful. Your membership will help us keep the momentum going for a vibrant SAC and a vibrant community.
Friends’ Circle Membership Levels & Benefits
Complimentary admission to Southampton Arts Center exhibitions and opening receptions
Invitations to Friends-only exclusive exhibition tours
Discounted or free admission to select programs and events at SAC
Discounts on merchandise
Notice of all SAC programs and priority seating for select events
Annual member meeting
All Friends-level benefits for your immediate family
All benefits of Individual/Family membership, plus
An SAC branded merchandise gift
All Supporter benefits, plus
Complimentary invitations to unique art-related events, such as visits to artists’ studios, curator-led tour and special talks
All Sponsor benefits, plus
Acknowledgement in our Annual Report
All Sustainer benefits, plus
Complimentary admission for 4 guests to exhibitions each time you visit
Discounted or free admission for select programs and events for an additional 2 guests
All Patron benefits, plus
A private, curator-led tour of one exhibition for you and 10 guests, upon request
25% discount on rental of SAC for an event with fewer than 100 guests
You will be recognized on the Patron’s Circle Wall located in the front gallery
Business Circle Membership
SAC’s Business Circle is a source for proven arts & business partnership strategies, business networking and after-hours fun.
A vibrant, year-round business community on the East End is of critical importance to us all. The fine and performing arts have long served as an economic catalyst. SAC attracts 50,000 annual patrons to the Business District and makes a significant impact on the local economy.
SAC wouldn’t be here today without the partnership and support of businesses like yours. We thank you for this critical support and invite you to join our Business Circle. Your membership will help us to continue to serve as a vibrant hub of arts and culture for the entire East End community and you will enjoy all the benefits and discounts of membership.
Business Membership Levels & Benefits:
Customized benefits are available to suit your marketing and philanthropic goals
Complimentary participation in Business Incentive Program
Complimentary Invitation to annual Business Circle event
Invitation to each exhibition opening
Discounts on select programs and events
Notification of all SAC events and happenings throughout the year
All Business Member Basic Benefits, plus
Invitations to VIP member receptions
Employee engagement and volunteer opportunities
All benefits of Business Sponsor membership, plus
Company listing on our website with hyperlink
Opportunity to arrange a private tour (up to 15 guests and once per year)
All benefits of Business Sustainer membership, plus
Two complimentary Family/Dual level Memberships
10% discount on Meeting or Presentation Space (subject to availability)
Opportunity to display marketing materials at select events
Reserved seating at select events with advance registrations
All benefits of Business Patron membership, plus
Recognition as a program supporter at certain events throughout the year
Logo placement on our website with hyperlink
25% discount on Meeting or Presentation Space (subject to availability)
For more information call 631.283.0967 or email membership@southamptoncenter.org.