An evolving public art project to fill vacant storefronts on Jobs Lane and Main Street with dynamic, bespoke art installations.
NOVEMBER 5 - APRIL 5, 2021
We are thrilled to launch our first Storefront Art Project with artist Alice Hope and her new installation Priceless. Located in the former Chico’s at 8 Jobs Lane, Priceless is a multimedia installation made with accordioned chromed coat hangers, strung can tabs, and shopping tags. So come take a stroll in the village and check out the first of a potential series of window art installations.
Thank you to Morley Property Management for their support of this project.
This beautiful shop is available to rent. If you are interested please contact the Morley Agency at 631-287-7191.
Photo Credit: Jenny Gorman
MARCH 11 - JUNE 1, 2021
Miles Partington joins SAC’s Storefront Art Project with his new installation of Dublin Zoo. On display at 42 Jobs Lane, the artist captures the gestures and patterns of the animals he admires most using cardboard, common objects, and spray paint. A strong and malleable material, layers of cardboard serve as an ideal medium for making quick impressions and adding detail to individual creatures. The immediacy of spray paint elevates the animals and their subtle color shifts in a thoughtful, vivid display. With the abundance of cardboard accumulated throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Partington effectively repurposes the material to draw attention to the humor, beauty, and complexity that exists in the animal kingdom.
JANUARY 11 - JUNE 11, 2021
Located in the former J. Crew at 84B Main Street, Wild Things by artist and photographer Kerry Sharkey Miller is a photo-based installation including an experimental process with works on oxidized and hand-polished aluminum, rice paper, and handmade substrates. Subject matter includes natural elements from the local environment. The installation will change over time, so repeat visits are recommended!
Thank you to the landlord of 84B Main Street, Rob Vahradian and Susan Vahradian for their support of this project.
This beautiful shop is available to rent. If you are interested please contact Richard Hodos at 212-984-8277 or email
FEBRUARY 5 - MARCH 7, 2021
Art in unexpected places can be jarring, evocative, and delightful. By creating the Inequality Bakery, artist Monica Banks aims to stop passersby in their tracks by reminding them that the occasions we celebrate, such as birthdays and anniversaries, also call to mind all those who could not attend our parties. During this global crisis of climate emergency, social injustice, and the pandemic, cupcakes threaten to bite each other, and cakes supporting dead birds, teeth, broken ladders, and pushpins all express our new reality. During this dark time, Clouds are symbols of darkness and light. The Inequality Bakery is meant to seduce with pastel colors, sparkle, and sweetness. The Southampton sidewalk is the perfect location for pondering this contradiction. On view at 53A Jobs Lane.
Thank you to Melvin Heller for the use of 53A Jobs Lane.
This beautiful shop is available to rent. If you are interested please contact Karen Bellantoni at 212-331-0116 or email
Thank you to Mayor Jesse Warren, the Trustees, and the Village of Southampton, for their support of this project. Made possible, in part, thanks to the Long Island Community Foundation.